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President’s Leadership Team

Randolph College’s Leadership Team is composed of the senior executive officers of the following departments and/or areas of the College: Academic Affairs, Enrollment, Finance and Administration, Institutional Advancement, Student Affairs, Athletics, Innovation, Institutional Effectiveness, and the Intercultural Center.

Sue Ott Rowlands

Sue Ott Rowlands headshot


BS Education with a Speech/Theatre emphasis (Oklahoma Christian College); MFA Acting and Directing (University of Oklahoma)

Previous positions/organizations:

Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, Professor of Theatre (Northern Kentucky University); Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences, Professor of Theatre (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University); Interim Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Chair of the Department of Theatre and Film, Professor of Theatre (The University of Toledo); Head of the Acting/Directing Program, Associate Professor of Theatre (The Ohio State University); Head of the Acting Program, Conservatory of Theatre Arts, Assistant Professor of Theatre (Webster University, St. Louis)

Professional organizations:

Founding Artistic Director, Glacity Theatre Collective in Toledo; Founding Artistic Director, Cleveland Women’s Theatre Project; Associate Artistic Director, Round House Theatre, Washington, D.C.; Managing Director of The Actor’s Space, New York City.

Professional memberships:

International Council of Fine Arts Deans (ICFAD); Phi Beta Delta; Actor’s Equity Association (AEA); Stage Directors and Choreographers Society (SDC)


Steve Willis
Special Assistant to the President and Secretary of the Board of Trustees

Steve Willis


Office of the President, and serves as strategic advisor to the President and Secretary of the Board of Trustees


BA in English/Dramatic Arts & Speech (Averett University), MFA in Theatre with an emphasis in Acting/Directing (University of North Carolina at Greensboro)

Previous positions/organizations:

Dean of Arts & Sciences; Associate Professor of Theatre & Speech; Interim Provost & Vice-President for Academic Affairs (Bennett College), Executive Director (High Point Theatre & Exhibition Center)

Civic/Professional organizations:

Board Member, Endstation Theatre Company; Board Member, Old City Cemetery; Board Member, Lynchburg Chapter of The Links Project, Inc.


Travis G. Carter
Dean of Admission and Financial Aid

Travis Carter


Admission and Financial Aid


BBA Business Administration (Roanoke College)

Previous positions/organizations:

Associate Director of Admissions for Freshman Recruitment, Radford University; Assistant Director of Admissions, Roanoke College

Civic/Professional organizations:

Former Treasurer, Virginia Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Counselors (VACRAO); Member, National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC)


Gary Dop
Dean of Innovation

Gary Dop


College Innovation Strategy and Initiatives


BS in Interdisciplinary Studies (North Central University); MA in English (University of Nebraska at Kearney); MFA in Creative Writing (University of Nebraska)

Also serves as:

Professor of English; Founding Director of the MFA in Creative Writing program

Previous positions:

Writer in Residence, Associate Professor of English (North Central University); Actor, Comic, and Writer (Freelance)

Civic/Professional organizations:

Academy of American Poets; Dramatists Guild; Poetry Society of America; Association of Writers & Writing Programs; and Phi Kappa Phi


Tom Galbraith
Director of Athletics

Tom Galbraith


Randolph WildCats Athletics, which includes 18 varsity sports and is a member of the Old Dominion Athletic Conference and NCAA Division III. There are nearly 250 student-athletes and over 50 full-time and part-time coaching and administrative staff in the department.


BA, Communication Studies, Sports Administration (Simpson College, Iowa); MEd, Education Administration (North Dakota State University); ABD, PhD, Higher Education Administration (University of Virginia)

Previous positions:

Director of Athletics (Simpson University, California); Assistant Director of Athletics for Communications (Radford University, Virginia); Assistant Commissioner for Communications (Southwestern Athletic Conference, Alabama); Assistant Director of Athletics / Sports Information Director (Alabama A&M University); Sports Information Director (Loras College, Iowa); Sports Information Director / Head Men’s Golf Coach (Lewis & Clark College, Oregon); Assistant Sports Information Director (Longwood University, Virginia)

Civic/Professional organizations:

National Association of College Directors of Athletics (NACDA); College Sports Information Directors of America (CoSIDA)

Professional memberships:

National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics Athletic Directors’ Association (ADA) Board of Directors; CoSIDA Special Awards Committee


Charles E. Gibson, III
Chief Engagement and Belonging Officer and Director of the Intercultural Center

Charles E. Gibson, III


Intercultural Center


BA, Music (Wake Forest University); MEd, Higher Education (Penn State); MA, Higher Education (Appalachian State University); EdS, Higher Education (Appalachian State University); EdD (ABD), Educational Leadership (Appalachian State University)

Previous positions/Organizations:

Research Associate, Appalachian State University; Chief Diversity Officer, Lees-McRae College; Founder and Managing Principal, Seerscape Solutions LLC; Assistant to the Chief Diversity Officer of The Graduate School, Penn State; Research Associate, Center for the Study of Higher Education (CSHE), Penn State; Lecturer, Georgia State University; Assistant to the Graduate School Dean and Chief Research Officer, Appalachian State University

Civic/Professional Organizations:

National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education (NADOHE); NAFSA: Association of International Educators (NAFSA); ACPA: College Student Educators International (ACPA); National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA); American Association of Blacks in Higher Education (AABHE); American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education (AAHHE); American Educational Research Association (AERA); Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE); Kiwanis International; Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. (ΑΦΑ); Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Honor Society (ΟΔΚ); Advisory Board, Icarus Consulting LLC; Board of Directors, Caring for Others, Inc.


John F. Keener
Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness 

John Keener


Tracking internal data; reporting data to external state, federal and other agencies; analyzing data for areas of improvement; all goal-setting operations; process whereby goals are assessed; compliance activities and reports.


BA (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill); MA( University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill); PhD (University of Kentucky)

Previous positions/organizations:

Director of Institutional Research, Randolph College; Professor of English, chair, Division of Humanities, Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty; Dean of Planning, Research & Records and Registrar; Associate Provost for IR, Planning and Effectiveness; Vice President for Enrollment Management (Lees-McRae College).

Civic/Professional 0rganizations:

Member, Higher Education Data Sharing Consortium (HEDS); Registry, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC); Volunteer, Endstation Theatre Company


Chris Lemasters
Dean of Students


Residence life, housing, conduct, counseling, health services, student engagement, student activities, orientation, esports, security, and the mailroom. He also serves as an adviser to student government and the student judiciary.


BA, Psychology (Alfred University), MA, Student Affairs in Higher Education (Indiana University of Pennsylvania)

Previous positions:

Director of Residence Life, Title IX/Equity and Inclusion Officer, University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown; Director of Residence Life, Randolph College; Head Mens Basketball Coach, Coordinator of Residence Life, Penn College.

Civic/Professional organizations:

National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA)


Farah Marks
Vice President for Institutional Advancement

Farah Marks


Institutional advancement, development, college relations, and alumni relations including major gifts, planned gifts, the Annual Fund, advancement services, corporate and foundation relations, donor relations, reunions and homecoming, alumni chapter events, and prospect research.


BS Business Administration (Mary Washington College)

Previous positions/organizations:

Randolph College: Director of Development, Director of Advancement Services, Assistant Director of Donor Relations, Stewardship Coordinator, Assistant Director of Operations (Admissions)

Civic/Professional organizations:

President of the Board, Forte Chamber Music; Board Member, Lynchburg Symphony Orchestra and Youth Orchestra; Parent’s Council, Hampden-Sydney College; Board Member, Endstation Theatre Company; Member, Association of Fundraising Professionals, Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE)


Timothy B. Smith
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Professor of Art History

Timothy B. Smith


All areas of the academic program, including Lipscomb Library, the Maier Museum, Sponsored Programs, Student Success, and Career Development.


BA, MA, Art History (University of South Carolina); PhD, History and Criticism of Art (Florida State University)

Previous Positions:

Interim Provost, Associate Provost, Professor of Art History (Birmingham-Southern College); Visiting Assistant Professor of Art History (DePaul University).

Professional Memberships:

College Art Association, Renaissance Society of America, Archaeological Institute of America


Jonathan Tyree
Vice President for Finance and Administration and Treasurer

Jonathan Tyree


Business Office, Information Technology, Buildings and Grounds, Nursery School, Aramark (Dining Services), Campus Store, and liaison to several Board Committees


BBA Accounting (James Madison University)


Licensed Certified Public Accountant (CPA) in Virginia

Previous positions/organizations:

Randolph College: Director of Finance and Budget, Controller

Civic/Professional organizations:

Former Board Member and Treasurer, Lynchburg Sheltered Industries (LSI) now Achieve Central Virginia; Former Board Member, Miller Home for Girls


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